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The state university of Milan’s website says that there are museums of all kinds in the world but no one dedicated to philosophy. To fill this gap, inside the university’s historical site, on November 5, 2019, was opened the Museum of Philosophy that is the only one of its kind in the world.

The idea is from the State university’s Department of Philosophy of Milan, and it aims to illustrate the most important philosophical theories and questions – “Who am I? Are there objective moral values?” – in concrete and never inn banal forms, making them understandable through activities, simulations, videos, and games.

Philosophy is often considered a complex and uninteresting discipline, but this is not true. At the newborn museum, one can understand what the philosopher’s work consists of and experience that philosophy can be fun.

While visiting the museum of philosophy, one can also admire a splendid masterpiece of historic architecture. Once the city’s largest hospital, the building that houses the state university is one of Milan’s most precious pearls.

For more information: http://www.filosofia.unimi.it/museodellafilosofia/



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